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Air Quality Permits


Not all operations require a permit.  Whether you’re expanding, modifying an existing operation, or setting up a new location, we understand how these factors impact your permit needs.


From least impactful to most impactful:

  1. Exemption (No Permit Required)

  2. Permit-by-Rule

  3. General Permit

  4. Site-specific Permit without Public Notice

  5. Site-specific Permit with Public Notice

  6. Title V/PSD or CEMS/AAQ Monitoring


At Environmental Compliance Professionals (ECP), we approach regulatory compliance in a way that minimally affects your operations and bottom line.  Our goal is to find the most accurate determination for your facility.  The final determination will tell you what permitting is required and help you plan for the upcoming tasks needed to become legally compliant within your particular jurisdiction.

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