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Ambient Air Quality



Understanding the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) can indeed be complex without an Environmental Engineering partner by your side.


Here are some simplified explanations:

  • Ambient Air Quality:  This refers to the quality of the air in the outdoor environment.  Typically, it’s assessed at the point source (where emissions are directly released).  However, there are more intensive monitoring options for special cases.

  • Site-Wide Monitoring:  Sometimes, it’s beneficial to monitor ambient air quality around the entire property.  This provides a comprehensive view of how your site contributes to the air quality at its boundaries.

  • AAQ Stations:  These stations are strategically placed at specific elevations and distances.  They collect data to create a useful dataset.  This helps explain how your site’s emissions impact the nearest air quality or even at unusually higher elevations considering the local topography.


Remember, having a knowledgeable partner like Environmental Compliance Professionals (ECP) will guide you through these intricacies while providing professional and practical insights to your emissions profile to help you lessen the impact on the world around you without imposing operational limitations.

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